Welcome to Avis

Complete Travel Companion

Our Travel Companion for your car rental

Stay connected throughout your trip with Travel Companion, our new smart portable device.*

Perfect for international car hire, featuring GPS, internet, FREE calls and more, with Travel Companion you’ll not only stay in touch but get more from your journey.

Travelling for business? Check your emails, stay in touch with colleagues and navigate to the office without draining your mobile data.

Going on holiday? Keep the whole family entertained with your own mobile hotspot, connect up to 5 devices at a time.

Discover local gems with CityGuide and find your next favourite restaurant, hotel or attraction. Experience FREE international calls to any destination. All this and more when you add Travel Companion to your booking.

* In Belgium, we offer Avis Travel Companion only at our office in Brussels Airport and Brussels Railway station. The device needs to be returned at the same pick-up location (One-way rentals are not allowed). For rentals starting at Brussels airport, the device and accessoires can only be returned to the rental counter in the arrival hall.


What's included?

Customise your Travel Companion, choose from:

  • GPS - Get the most up to date maps, live traffic reports, places of interest and audio navigation to help you get around. 
  • Full Tech Package*
    FREE unlimited international calls.
    GPS including live traffic reports, places of interest and more.
    Mobile internet with unlimited data (up to 5 devices).
    CityGuide and currency converters.
  • Internet - Stay connected with our portable unlimited data package. Connect up to 5 devices at one time, including phones, tablets and laptops.

* Customers travelling to Italy with Avis Travel Companion can stay connected with a full range of benefits including GPS navigation, free unlimited international calls and 4G data connectivity along with Wi-Fi hotspots for up to six devices. Plus, your Avis Italy Travel Companion provides you with travel guides, maps, recommendations for the best local restaurants, and more.